God not guilty foundation(GNGF) God's Attorney Unique Case: Justice for God
Neutral view of all religions

Neutral view of all religions
God's Attorney: Prosecution & Defense
Dedicated to defending God's rights and promoting global unity, peace, and harmony.
Divine Natural Law. Asha/Dharma/Righteousness/Duty.
God not guilty foundation is a part of
The God Infinity Loop
God Not Guilty Foundation (GNGF), established January 2021, is a non-profit organization guided by the Almighty God and its sole human member, the founder.
1. Views all religions and philosophies neutrally.
2. Has only one human member (HIS Girl).
3. Does not have a registered status nor any funds.
4. Does not accept donations either directly or indirectly from anyone.
5. God not guilty foundation's biggest assets: God(X), Truth, and Good intentions.
X = The Almighty God by any name: Ahura Mazda/Brahman/
God the Father/Allah/Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei(YHVH)/The Tao ....
1. Justice for God ( God not guilty foundation - Justice for God Movie, Watch)
2. Godism v/s Humanism (One Truth - Two Perspectives) Prologue (Godism v/s Humanism Movie (canadiangodism.org) )
3. God (https://godconglomerate.org/god)
1. Justice for God ( God not guilty foundation - Justice for God Movie, Watch)
2. Godism v/s Humanism (One Truth - Two Perspectives) Prologue (Godism v/s Humanism Movie (canadiangodism.org) )
3. God (https://godconglomerate.org/god)
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